The Rotary Foundation (TRF)


The mission of The Rotary Foundation is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education, and the alleviation of poverty. The Foundation is a not-for-profit corporation supported solely by voluntary contributions from Rotarians and friends of the Foundation who share its vision of a better world. This support is essential to make possible Foundation grant  funded projects that bring sustainable improvement to communities in need.

Club Qualification

Clubs must be qualified by their District each Rotary year in order to apply for Foundation Grants. 

Qualification assures The Rotary Foundation that your club has the proper financial and stewardship controls in place to successfully manage grant funds. Grant management encompasses everything from selecting projects and activities to applying for a grant to ensuring proper stewardship of funds to evaluating and reporting grant outcomes.

To complete the qualification process, a club must:

  • Have the President-elect or a designated club representative attend a grant management seminar*
  • Read and agree to the club memorandum of understanding and submit a copy signed by the Club President and President-elect to the district.

Foundation Grants 

The Rotary Foundation offers Rotarians and Clubs two types of grants: 

  • District Grant
  • Global Grant

The Grants are funded through the donations of Clubs and Individuals to the Annual Fund-SHARE Foundation fund. 

District Grants

District grants fund short-term projects and activities, either local or international that support the Foundation’s mission. Clubs submit their funding requests to the district, which administers and distributes the funds.

Applications are sought prior to the beginning on the new Rotary Year. For submission deadlines Click here to contact the District Foundation Grants Chair.

Global Grants

Global grants fund large-scale projects and activities that:

  • Align with one or more of the Areas of Focus (See below)
  • Respond to a need the benefiting community has identified
  • Include the active participation of the benefiting community
  • Are designed to enable the community to sustain itself after the Rotary club or district has concluded its work
  • Have measurable results

Activities funded by global grants include: 

  • Humanitarian projects addressing community needs by providing sustainable, measurable outcomes in the benefiting community. 
  • Vocational Training Teams (VTT) builds skills within a community by offering local training or by supporting groups of professionals traveling abroad for rigorous study in their profession or to teach local professionals about a particular field. This type of training may be most effective in conjunction with a humanitarian project.
  • Scholarships fund study by graduate students whose career goals support an area of focus.

Projects that receive Global Grant funds from The Rotary Foundation must fall under at least one of the following Six Areas of Focus:

  • Peace and conflict prevention/resolution
  • Disease prevention and treatment
  • Water and sanitation
  • Maternal and child health
  • Basic education and literacy
  • Economic and community development

The minimum funding size of a Global Grant is between $30,000USD and $45,000USD and is determined by the project funding mix and a required minimum $15,000USD Foundation match.

Advice and Assistance

The District Foundation Grants Chair is available for advice and assistance on Global Grants and reporting guidelines. To contact them Click here

Fundraising Committee

The fundraising subcommittee oversees the district’s fundraising strategy and helps clubs set and achieve their contribution goals for the Annual Fund, the Permanent Fund, and the PolioPlus Fund.

Annual Fund

The Annual Fund is the primary source of support for Foundation grants and programs each year made available to Districts and Clubs. Annual Fund gifts can be directed to SHARE, the World Fund, or an area of focus fund. All options are available for one-time or recurring contributions. 

50% of contributions made to the annual fund SHARE are made available to the District three (3) years after the donation is made to Support District and Global grants.

Clubs are asked to promote recurring annual contributions to The Rotary Foundation through the either the Every Rotarian, Every Year initiative, contributing $100 USD per member per annum; or the Centurion Program contributing $100 AUD per member per annum to the Foundation Annual Fund- SHARE fund. Individual Rotarians may also join the Paul Harris Society by contributing $1000 USD per annum to The Rotary Foundation. 

Individual contributions are tax deductible, so long as it is made through the Australian Rotary Foundation Trust. Individual contributions also build up PHF credits for the individual towards a PHF recognition. Contributions by Clubs to the Annual Fund, the Permanent Fund, and the PolioPlus Fund build-up PHF Recognition credits for the Club

Permanent Fund

The Permanent Fund is the Foundation’s endowed fund. Gifts are never spent. Contributions to the Permanent Fund are invested to preserve and grow the principle, only a portion of the interest generated is used currently to support Foundation activities supporting Rotary’s highest global priorities, including the Rotary Peace Centres. 

PolioPlus Fund

Money that is contributed to the PolioPlus Fund is used solely for the purpose of achieving the worldwide eradication of Polio, and funds will be needed until that goal is achieved. Rotarians are encouraged to continue contributing to the PolioPlus Fund until worldwide Polio eradication is certified.

Contributions to the Rotary Foundation

Club contributions and contributions to the Paul Harris Society are not tax deductible. Individual contributions are tax deductible.

It is very important that the following procedures are followed to ensure that the contribution is correctly allocated, that the Club or individual is correctly credited for the contribution and that the tax receipt for individuals is correctly issued. 

Club Contributions to the Annual Fund and Polio Plus



  • Complete The Rotary Foundation Contribution Form (Download from the left hand column on this page)
  • Make your cheque payable to The Rotary Foundation and write on the back your Club name, Club ID number and whether the payment is for the Annual Fund or Polio Plus; and
  • Mail the completed contribution form and cheque to: The Rotary Foundation PO Box 1415 Parramatta, NSW 2124

Direct Deposits                                                                                                                                                      

Please direct deposit funds to:

The Rotary Foundation

BSB: 332 084  

Account number: 100345225

Please e-mail a copy of the bank transfer transmittal document to and in the subject line put the words "Foundation Contribution" and in the body of the e-mail state the Club name, Club number and whether the payment is for the Annual Fund or Polio Plus.

Online Contributions 

Go to and follow the prompts.

Individual Contributions to the Rotary Foundation to Annual Fund and Polio Plus



  • Complete the Australian Rotary Foundation Trust Contribution Form (Download from the left hand column on this page)
  • Make your cheque payable to The Australian Rotary Foundation Trust and write on the back your name and if a Rotarian, your Member Number, Club number and whether the payment is for the Annual Fund or Polio Plus; and
  • Mail the completed contribution form and cheque to: The Rotary Foundation PO Box 1415 Parramatta, NSW 2124

Direct Deposits                                                                                                                                                    

Pease direct deposit funds to:

The Australian Rotary Foundation Trust

BSB: 332 084

Account number: 551038195  

Please e-mail a copy of the bank transfer transmittal document to: and in the subject line put the words "Foundation Contribution" and in the body of the e-mail state your name, address, and if a Rotarian, your Membership number, Club and Club number and whether the payment is for the Annual Fund or Polio Plus.

Online Contributions 

Go to and follow the prompts

Individual Contributions to the Rotary Foundation-Through the Centurion Program



  • Complete the Centurion Contribution Form (Download from the left hand column on this page)
  • Make your cheque payable to The Australian Rotary Foundation Trust and write on the back your name and if a Rotarian, your Member Number, Club number and whether the payment is for the Annual Fund or Polio Plus;
  • When applicable, complete the covering letter to RI Parramatta ((Download from the left hand column on this page)
  • Mail the completed contribution form, covering letter and cheque to: The Rotary Foundation PO Box 1415 Parramatta, NSW 2124

Direct Deposits                                                                                                                                                    

Please direct deposit funds to:

The Australian Rotary Foundation Trust

BSB: 332 084

Account number: 551038195  

Please e-mail a copy of the bank transfer transmittal document to: and in the subject line put the words "Foundation Contribution-Centurion Programme" and in the body of the e-mail state your name, address, and if a Rotarian, your Membership number, Club and Club number and whether the payment is for the Annual Fund or Polio Plus.

Online Contributions 

Not available for the Centurion Programme.


If in any doubt or if you require assistance Click here to contact the District Foundation Committee Chair