Rotary in WA Driver Education (RWADE)
RWADE is a program run by Rotary clubs in Western Australia, to provide driver education to students in year 10 or 11, supported by WA Police, St John Ambulance and the Road safety Commission.
The program aims to influence a student’s attitude before they become a young driver. It runs over one day during the school term with ideally about 180 students and is conducted at a suitable venue approved by the RWADE committee. The program comprises six modules, being:
• Hazards, distractions and risks when driving
• Safety features, financial, legal checks for ownership and ratings when buying a car
• Stopping distances and basic maintenance of a vehicle
• First responder- St John Ambulance presenter runs through basic first aid after a crash with an introduction to the first responder app
• Consequences of not abiding by the road rules and why the rules are so important presented by Road Traffic Police
• The lifelong consequences of a catastrophic road traffic crash (presentation given by a crash survivor)
The RWADE guidelines handbook is available from the District coordinator. To contact them Click here