Rotary Support for “My Home” Homeless Housing Project
The Problem
On any given night in Western Australia, around 9,000 people can be homeless. Rotary in Western Australia are keen to assist in resolving this issue and have agreed to support “My Home” Australasia Limited to provide low cost housing for people experiencing homelessness in Western Australia.
The first project has been completed. Residents moved in July 2023 to an 18 unit complex.
The North Fremantle project targeted women over 55, who are the fastest growing group of homeless people in WA. These women usually have limited work skills as they have been stay-at-home mums, have negligible superannuation, and often find themselves on their own later in life. A substantial proportion of homeless people simply can’t afford commercial rents, which have climbed over time. Rent for a single bedroom apartment typically consumes 40% of the aged pension payments. Additional information can be obtained from https://www.endhomelessnesswa.com/
A Solution
My Homes” Australasia Limited, a charity set up by a local architect is about to construct over 50 low cost houses in the metropolitan area. The “My Home” project is based on the Housing First principle that has been shown to be World’s Best Practice with an 80% success rate, i.e., people do not regress back to homelessness.
The project aims to construct low cost sustainable houses, in small clusters within landscaped grounds integrated into the local community. The housing will be constructed on land provided at no cost by either the state government or private landholders ( such as Church dioceses), that is earmarked for future use, but available for at least 15 years. Funding from the private sector is required for construction and furnishing of the houses.
Once constructed, the houses will be managed by a Community Housing Provider (CHP) engaged and experienced in this work. The CHP will select the recipients and create an umbrella for their individual support.
The CHP will collect the rent, which will be set at an affordable proportion of the tenant’s income, maintain the houses, and provide other support to the occupants.
Land has already been made available in Victoria Park, and Mandurah for the future projects. Further information can be obtained from the website - www.myhomehousing.org.au.
Rotary Pitches In
Rotary has undertaken to “make these houses into homes” by providing furniture and household items to the houses being constructed by “My Home” in a number of ways by;
Direct fund raising by Rotary Clubs to purchase furniture and household items for the houses. A RAWCS account is set up to assist with this. To access Click here
Seek funds through grants to supplement the funds raised by Rotary Clubs.
Use the Rotary network to seek equipment donations or funds from companies or private individuals.
Use the Rotary network to collaborate with like minded organisations to obtain funds or volunteer support.
Use the Rotary network to have volunteers provide plants and assist in landscaping and reticulating the properties, and in other areas where practical.
Provide support services of a professional or trade nature where appropriate.
Further avenues of assistance as they are identified.
Want To Get Involved
A group of committed Rotarians from four different Clubs our the management team to support this project. All Clubs in WA are welcome to participate in this very worthwhile project. Have your club nominate a representative and to send their name and contact details to the My Home Secretary Click here
To contact the My Home District Coordinator Click here
Or to donate directly Click Here
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