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Inner Wheel

Inner Wheel is one of the largest women’s organisations in the world, promoting the Object of Trust, Friendship, Personal Service and International Understanding. Its unofficial Symbol of friendship is the red rose.

Membership is open to women over the age of 18 years. A bond of co-operation and high regard exists between Rotary and Inner Wheel.

Inner Wheel was formed in Manchester in 1924 and the first Inner Wheel Club outside Great Britain and Ireland was founded in Ballarat, Victoria in 1931. It has spread around the world & is today represented in more than 100 countries. International Inner Wheel enjoys an ‘on roster’ status with the United Nations Economic & Social Council in areas such as children’s rights, status of women, ageing, the family & narcotic drugs.

Combining friendship with service & understanding empowers women to make a difference & has enabled Inner Wheel Australia to fund research scholarships. Clubs meet regularly (usually monthly) with planned functions or events between meetings.

To read more about Inner Wheel Click here

To contact the District Coordinator Click here