Homeless Hub

Homelessness is a blight on our civilised and prosperous society. There are over 9,000 people homeless in WA every night, and the number continues to grow. Rotary is well equipped to address the problem and indeed many Clubs have been and are working on homelessness projects. The Homeless Hub was set up by Rotary WA to help make the most of Rotary’s efforts. Its function is to enable and support Club projects, co-ordinate Rotary’s efforts, and offer strategic direction. It also provides a central source of information on homelessness, does presentations to Clubs, and keeps Rotary connected to the wider Homelessness world. |
The Homeless Hub has developed a Strategic Directions paper for Rotary's efforts to address Homelessness. It also developed a Homeless Prevention paper on how Rotary can prevent homelessness.
Rotary Homeless Projects
Rotary does a large number of homelessness projects - Here is a selection of the larger ones (For details go to Files at left):
- Passages Youth Engagement Hub
- Eye Contact Photographic Exhibition
- Emplace Initiative
- Socks in the City
- Tiny Home Project
- My Home Project
- 12 Buckets
- Common Ground Model
- Medical Respite Centre
- Foodbank: Give A Feed
- Other Projects
WA Alliance to End Homelessness (WA AEH)
The WA Alliance To End Homelessness is comprised of the major Homelessness organisations in WA that have come together to end homelessness in Western Australia. The Alliance has prepared the WA Strategy to End Homelessness, collectively developed by representatives from homelessness services, people experiencing homelessness, service funders, and members of our community.