The Rotary Four Way Test Speech contest is part of the School Link Program, originated by PDG Fred Marsh in his year as Governor [1988-89] This public speaking competition was first held at the District Conference, in March 1989.
The Rotary Four Way Test encourages teachers and students from each club’s link school to take part in this opportunity for public speaking, confidence building and ethics consideration. The Rotary Four Way Test Speech Contest is a state-wide competition with a State final being conducted in Perth.
The aims of the competition are to:
- bring the concepts of the Rotary Four-Way Test to the attention of students.
- provide students with an opportunity to compete in a public speaking competition
- provide Rotary and the Rotary Four-Way Test with valuable exposure in the community.
- develop relationships between Rotary and schools.
The Rotary Speech Contest is an activity for students in Year 6 and Year 10. The Rotary Speech Contest supports the STEM English curriculum with speaking and listening opportunities.
The aim is to encourage TALENTED teachers to include the Rotary Speech Con-test as part of their Term 2 curriculum. Students choose any topic, write an essay on the topic, include the four values of Rotary within their topic, then deliver a six-minute speech that explains to an audience why Rotary values are important within the topic and for everyday life.
1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Will it build GOODWILL and better friendships?
3. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
4. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
Every Rotary club is linked with a secondary school and local primary schools. Rotary Youth Directors develop relationships with their linked schools to promote the Rotary Speech Contest and in doing so assist teachers and students to raise the pro-file of English within the STEM curriculum. Individual Rotary clubs are invited to sponsor students who provide fresh insight into important topics of the world today and beyond.
The Rotary Speech Contest consists of Rotary Club heats, semi-finals, and State Final. Prizes are awarded at each level with trophy and state-wide recognition to the student and to the winning school. The Rotary Speech Contest is supported with adjudicators from Rostrum, Toastmasters as well as the WA Secondary Teaching Administrations’ Association (WASTAA).
For dates and timelines see under Files in column to the left of of this page.
For more information, go to
The Contest District Coordinator : Leanne Knowler (E-WA club)