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Camp Opportunity is a week long live in camp for young special-needs adult “Campers”, between the ages of 18 and 35 years“, to team with “Buddies” for a week of adventure as they mix and inter-act in a fun atmosphere to share new friendships and experiences. It is held at the Point Walter Recreation Centre, Bicton which is a dormitory style camp with rooms for 4 people, each has its own bathroom and caters for people with disabilities.

Onsite activities include Archery, Abseiling, Flying Fox with trips to the Zoo, Adventure World, Ten Pin Bowling and fun on the river for biscuit and boat rides. Participants will also enjoy a Disco, Karaoke, lots of swimming in the pool, games and laughter.

To source “Campers” ask your Rotary Club members, friends, neighbours, colleagues, employees, Disability Services, other disability organisations such as Good Samaritans, Cerebral Palsy, Downs Syndrome, Headwest, Autism Association of WA and Superfins Swim School.

For “Buddies” also Rotary Club members, friends, neighbours, colleagues, Employees, Rotaract members, past exchange students, RYLA participants, Local Church and Youth groups, Universities and TAFEs (Nursing, Teaching, Medical, Youth and Community studies). If you can’t find an applicant just pledge sponsorship and we will find the “Campers” and “Buddies”.

Camp Opportunity 2025 is from 19th to 25th January 2025 Cost to attend is $850 per person and clubs are urged to sponsor a “Camper”, “Buddy” or both; consider helping by sponsoring event opportunities or donating goods and services to help run the camp; and attend the Camp Opportunity Dinner, which will be held at Point Walter on Wednesday 22nd January 2025. Rotarians and partners are invited to meet and experience the atmosphere created between “Campers” and “Buddies”.

To contact the Camp Opportunity District Coordinator email :

     2025 Camp Opportunity Flyer
     Buddy Nomination Form 2025
     Camper Nomination Form 2025
     Camp Opportunity Dinner 2025

Updated 2024-12-21