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Australian Rotary Health (ARH)

Australian Rotary Health (ARH) is an Australian Rotary initiative to help all Australians with family health research around Australia. A multi-district project, it is widely supported by clubs and individual Rotarians.

ARH has invested around $50 million into medical and health research in Australia, and particularly now focuses on mental health research. Current programs include:

  • Mental Health Research
  • Indigenous Health, and Rural Medical and Nursing, Scholarships
  • Funding Partners (for research in all health areas)


Key Research Podcasts etc

Australian Rotary Health’s website links a wide variety of research podcasts and researcher video interviews about recent research, and its results in our communities. There are also online newsletters and news spotlight items you can share.

This is great material to share regularly with your members, and to distribute to your networks via social media, so they can see what Rotary supports in mental health and related medical research.


“Lift the Lid” Campaign

‘Lift the Lid on mental illness’ focuses on the mental health of young Australians from birth up to 25 years of age, as well as prevention of mental illness.

This campaign has been the focus of ARH community education, public awareness and fundraising efforts in recent years.

Find out about the research behind ‘Lift the Lid’, see interviews with mental health researchers previously funded by ARH, talking about their research projects and findings, and how they have been translated into clinical practice.

Key Products & Local Research

Products from ARH funded research include globally regarded programs such as:

Podcasts with local Western Australian researchers, include:

  • WA Cool Kids Dyslexia Pilot - A/Prof Mark Boyes (Episode 28)
  • #YouCanTalk - Suicide Risk Detection and Prevention Tips - Dr Angela Nicholas (Episode 29)

Podcasts are issued regularly, so check them out at:

Or you can watch them on YouTube, keep up to date on PodBean, or listen on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

Local WA Health Action

Club or Cluster Champions

Your ARH WA team invite passionate Rotarians interested in family and community health to become local champions in their club and wider community. Contact your local community service director or district representative to discuss how you can help.

Local Workshops or Forums etc

Your ARH WA team is working actively with various clubs, especially in regional WA, on local pilots for relevant country events. If your club would also like to be involved to help local family and community health, please contact us.

ARH invites all clubs to hold local community mental health forums or workshops as Rotary community service projects. This not only raises Rotary's profile in local communities, it also assists people in our communities to better understand mental health and illness, and support those with mental health challenges.

The objectives of community mental health forums are to promote mental well-being, including to:

  • deliver information about mental health and illness to local communities
  • provide knowledge about research, resources and services available in the community to assist individuals with a mental illness
  • form partnerships between Rotary, mental health services, support groups, local government and the community
  • help de-stigmatise and reduce the adverse impact of mental illness
  • improve the capacity of individuals to care for themselves when they develop a mental illness
  • improve the capacity of individuals to support others who have a mental illness

Health Related Projects or Events etc

If your club has a health related project, or is working with other Western Australians in the broad health area, please share that with us and others interested in this field. Consistent with the Object of Rotary and Four Way Test, synergies may exist which collaboration can foster. Post your project etc on Facebook to @RotaryWAhealth, or message us to discuss possibilities. Keep up to date with local WA initiatives by liking and following @RotaryWAhealth.

To read more about Australian Rotary Health Click here

ARH WA Team - To contact the District Representative Click here