
Rotary in Western Australia is involved with and through the many individual Rotary Clubs in the District, in a broad range of humanitarian, intercultural and educational projects. The projects fall under one of three Avenues of Service:
- Youth Service-Activities which encourage young people up to the age of 30 through projects which foster their interest in Rotary; facilitate personal development; and develop their community spirit. .Current Projects/Programs include: Camp Opportunity; EarlyAct; Four Way Test Speech Contest; Interact; National Youth Science Forum (NYSF); Rotaract; Rotary Youth Exchange (RYE); Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA); Rotary Youth Program Of Enrichment (RYPEN); Rotary WA Driver Education (RWADE); and Santos Science Experience.
- Community Service- Activities which respond to the needs of local communities including those which encourage Rotarians to model high ethical standards and apply their life and business skills for the benefit of others. Current Projects/Programs include:.Aboriginal Reference Group; Australian Rotary Health (ARH); Environmental Sustainability Reference Group (ESRAG); Family and Domestic Violence Collective; Homeless Hub; My Home; Probus; Prostate Awareness; and WA Disaster Relief
- International Service-Activities that involve efforts from Rotarians in more than one country. Current Projects/Programs include: End Polio; Peace Fellowships; Interplast; Rotarians Against Malaria (RAM); Rotary Australia Repurposing Equipment (RARE); Rotary Australia World Community Service (RAWCS); Rotary Oceania Medical Aid For Children (ROMAC); Shelterbox; The Rotary Foundation; and Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
For further detail go to the relevant link at left.