This email has been generated just for you as a Rotary member or someone who has an interest in Rotary in Western Australia.
In this issue, you'll find District Governor Ineke's November newsletter, news about what's going on in the District, our Clubs and Rotary International.
If your Club has an event, function or project you wish to advertise throughout Rotary Western Australia, forward your article and photos to the editor, Judy Dinnison at
Please provide flyers in either jpg or jpeg format. Flyers sent as PDF's unfortunately loose resolution when converted for inclusion in the newsletter.
New flyers/events are at the start of the newsletter as well as in the list below.
New items in this week's issue include:
DG's November Newsletter
Applications for Peace Fellowships opening soon
WA Rotary Relief Working Bee in Northam - 7th, 8th & 9th November
Rotary Supporting My Homes Needs You
RC Margaret River - Rotary Road Adventure - 12th November
RC Willetton Artisan Market - 12th November
RC Belmont LEAP Awards - 16th November
RC Applecross Jacaranda Festival - 19th November
RC Collie Raffle Fundraiser
The newsletter is published each Friday except in unforeseen circumstances.
DG Newsletter – November 2023
As I write this, I am sitting in the departure lounge of the Orange airport, NSW. I’ve been here a few days visiting my mother who will turn 96 years of age in December. I can’t help thinking of what she has seen and heard in her life up to now and the wisdom gained over that time through her life experiences.
The average age of our members across all of Australia, NZ and the Pacific Islands is still at least over 65, if not 70. Many are lamenting this; we do need younger people for the sustainability of Rotary but let’s not ignore the years of Rotary service from all of our members over 70. Most, I would be brave enough to say, have been Rotarians for over 30, if not 40 years. What wonderful adventures they will have had in that time, and there is more to come.
The wisdom of our experienced Rotarians is not to be ignored, lessons can be, and have been, learned from that experience. However, we are also in a brave new world now. Covid taught many of us how to zoom and in doing so, broadened our horizons and created opportunities for different ways to participate in our own adventure in service. In my recent travels around clubs it is heartening to see so many embracing and trialling new ways of doing things.
We are in a time of change, Regionalisation is making us all sit up and take notice of how we can take advantage of the changes being implemented. My plea to everyone is to keep your minds open and engage by keeping yourselves informed. Check out regularly so you can be aware of when and what is happening.
One of the major things to have occurred is the election of ‘our’ own Eeshwar Rajagopalan who was nominated for the position of Rotaract Nominee on the new Regional Council, commencing 1st July, 2024. Eeshwar is well-known to many of us through his work in supporting and promoting Rotaract and I know you will all join me in wishing him well in this new important role for our Zone (Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands).
I confess to watching the ABC Breakfast News every morning and whilst they try hard to have ‘good news’ stories, the overwhelming news is one of tragedy both internationally and in our own state and country. Peace seems to be so elusive in some countries, no one wins when people are killed. We need to do our part by spreading the words of peace and conflict resolution, as we can do with our younger generation. Wouldn’t it be fabulous to have a Peace Pole erected in every school by a Rotary club? International Peace Day was especially relevant on 21st September this year. Jeremy Wood is the person to contact about Peace Poles –
Please also note further on in this newsletter, that applications for Peace Fellow Scholarships will soon be opening. This is an awesome program funded through the Rotary Foundation and a perfect way for us to play an active part in bringing peace to our world.
Yours in Rotary service,
DG Ineke
Urgent need for Rotarians and Friends to volunteer to travel to Northam next week to assist a most deserving family in need – short notice, I know but a most worthwhile endeavour.
We will be joined by 5 Members of the Western Force Rugby team generously volunteering their time to assist the Community.
The Nth Fremantle My Home project has 18 ladies in their new homes.
Some of our members are placing their energy into other things in Rotary.
Under the guidance of Kay Durrant - Project Manager and Wilma McBain the project continues. But we have vacancies in the following jobs.
Treasurer - Handles the money. Keeps us within Budget.
Communities Manager - Requesting and co-ordinates the community groups
and their donations in kind or money, but keeps a tight
communication with them.
Fit Out Manager - Co-ordinates and gains prices for the inventory or
or donations in kind.
Media guru - handles the fun stuff.
Please contact Kay Durrant by phone on 0419 931 899 or email
Scan the QR code or click the link to buy your tickets.
The Rockingham Beach Cup
BEACH horse races and a two-day carnival will bring colour and crowds to the Rockingham foreshore on November 11 and 12.
And the Rotary Club of Palm Beach, which founded and runs this iconic event, is hoping Rotarians from other clubs and their friends and families will come and join in the fun.
This year’s 7 Rockingham Beach Cup and carnival is the seventh and will again feature a VIP corporate marquee on the sand. The Palm Beach Lounge's $230 tickets (plus booking fee) will cover a lavish day of wining and gourmet dining overlooking the finish post for horse races on the beach from 12.30pm to 4pm.
Don’t miss your chance to book early for RMBWA’s Christmas Breakfast – avoid the disappointment of missing out!!!
Join RMBWA for an exciting morning of networking, fellowship and learning with special guest speaker Rob Barton; solo ocean rowing adventurer and youth mental health advocate.
An opportunity for members from all our clubs to hear – first-hand – about research being undertaken here in WA at the Perron Institute.
Come along to learn about ground-breaking research that can help all of us in the future.
These young researchers are passionate about their work and want to share with as many Rotary members as possible.
One of the researchers – Rebecca Ong – will be known to many of you – she is supported by an Australian Rotary Health Research grant – and has spoken to some clubs.
Simply use the QR code on the leaflet – or this link below.
We would love to have 2 - 3 members from as many clubs as possible – book now!!!
The Rotary Club of Busselton Geographe Bay, and its local ARH champion, are coordinating a mental health week consortium of around 20 local contributors into a full week program.
Supported by Rio Tinto and the City of Busselton, it will include an agency expo, wellness, mindfulness and relaxation sessions, and youth events.
Mental Health First Aid seminars, a community choir, story-time, art and sports activities, and an RUOK caravan convoy, will culminate in a Lift the Lid Walk on iconic Busselton Jetty on the Saturday.
If you are going to the RI Convention 2024, check out the link to see the deals offered to Singapore. One member secured fares for $700 return.
Board Positions
Life Education WA (Inc)
Life Ed is Australia’s largest independent provider of preventive health education to school children. With the help of its iconic mascot Healthy Harold the giraffe, Life Ed WA is a member of the Federation of Life Ed Australia and has been empowering children and young people to make safer and healthy choices for more than 40 years.
We in the West have been partnering with primary schools in the Perth Metro area, Mandurah/Peel Region, Mid-West Region, Goldfields/Esperance, Wheatbelt Region and Kununurra through Sponsorships from a number of Rotary Clubs (Scarborough, West Perth & North Perth), Stan Perron Foundation, Woolworths, Channel 7 Telethon and ALCOA Pinjarra.
We are seeking 3 new Board Members for a 2-year term and interested parties should have an interest in Early Preventive Health and Safety for children.
We are looking for people who have one or more of the following skills:
Experience in Health
Enthusiastic to be part of an organisation that is address the issues that our youth are facing today through contemporary, engaging and outcome based education.