This email has been generated just for you as a Rotary member or someone who has an interest in Rotary in Western Australia.
In this issue, you'll find District Governor Ineke's September newsletter, news about what's going on in the District, our Clubs and Rotary International.  
If your Club has an event, function or project you wish to advertise throughout Rotary Western Australia, forward your article and photos to the editor, Judy Dinnison at dgexecassist@rotarywa.au Please provide flyers in either jpg or jpeg format.
New items in this week's issue include:
  • DG Ineke's September newsletter
  • Good News - London International Youth Science Forum report
  • Call out to attend meeting to organise Family & Domestic Violence event
  • Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) 8 & 22 October
  • Can you help? Transport required for Kalgoorlie RYPEN participant in September
  • DG visit to Cockburn, Willetton, Canning River and Fremantle
  • TC Manjimup Annual Wine Show 15 September
  • RC Como 12th Classic Car Show 1 October
  • RC Matilda Bay Pregnancy & Infant Loss Remembrance Day 10 October
  • Italian Car Day 5 November
  • RI News/Info - Rotary Supporting Education
The newsletter is published each Friday except in unforeseen circumstances. 
DG Newsletter – September 2023
Isn’t this weather fabulous? Springtime is a great time for making us open those windows and have a good clean out after the winter rain, although I do know rain is scheduled again for the weekend. Having said that, our country Rotarians will be looking forward to more rain for finishing off their crops.
In the same way, maybe it is time for you to have a good look at your Rotary journey, your Rotary adventure, does it need a bit of a review? When did you start something new, something exciting? Be bold, be brave, approach your club’s leaders and suggest ideas that may appeal to others as well.
Geoff and I have now been to 9 club visits, at which there were a total of 29 clubs. On every occasion, without fail, we left inspired after hearing all about the wonderful work that each club is doing, making an impact. The other aspect that is great to see, is Rotarians mingling with other clubs they’d not yet met before, and at a different time of day to their usual meeting. These kinds of club visits are increasing everyone’s knowledge about each other, which is a very good thing.
You are now beginning to receive more information about the Regionalisation Pilot Project. Please do keep yourself informed; the best place to look is the www.creatingtomorrowrotary.org website. It is regularly updated and worth a visit.
We have a Regionalisation Pilot Representative – PDG Brian Eddy, and an Advisory Group made up of DGE Pat Schraven, DGN Veronica Lawrance, PDG Jerry Pilcher and myself. If you have any questions, please to not hesitate to send them through to me and we will do our best to answer them.
13th April 2024! Mark that day in your calendar! More information is coming soon, but we have events for you that day from morning to late at night, it’s going to be a great marketing opportunity! If you are keen to help, please let me know.
So, enjoy the warmer days everyone and work on that adventure. It is yours to choose, just go and make it happen!
We look forward to more DG visits coming up this month, more inspirational times ahead.
See you soon,
DG Ineke
Prachi Dave attended the
London International Youth Science Forum
Prachi Dave, sponsored by the Rotary Club of Heirisson, is an alumni of the 2021 National Youth Science Forum. In 2022 and 2023, whilst studying mechatronics engineering at Curtin University, Prachi was a “Staffie” student supervisor of the forum.
In August 2023, Prachi attended the 64th London International Youth Science Forum (LIYSF). LIYSF is a STEM summer camp held at the Imperial College in London, for two weeks and this year, there were 410 participants from 84 different countries around the world and she had the pleasure of being one of them, representing Australia. This would not have been possible without the generous support from the Rotary clubs of Heirisson, Willetton, South Bunbury, Southern Districts, Busselton-Geographe, Booragoon, Matilda Bay, North Perth, Karrinyup, Esperance, Fremantle, Palm Beach and Melville, who financially supported her.
Throughout these two weeks, Prachi reports, that she was informed by Nobel Prize winners and world-leading scientists, as well visiting the world's top universities such as Oxford and Cambridge. She also enjoyed scientific visits to places such as The National Space Agency and the Rolls-Royce HQ in Derby. The programme also included social and cultural events, such as the International Cabaret where students were allowed to perform something from back home. Prachi and the other Australian representatives, performed “The Nutbush” and even had others join them on stage to dance with them.
Prach further reports, that every day during LIYSF was inspiring and motivating and truly life changing. Meeting other, like-minded students from such diverse backgrounds, encouraged her to view the world with a more positive and 'can-do' approach. It helped her to develop a different perspective on life. The friends she made, though now scattered all over the world with large distances and different time-zones, are friends she will have for life and there are no words to describe the bond they shared during the two weeks.
From running 5km around Hyde Park in the London rain, to teaching each other how to code well past midnight and from going to sleep at 4am and still not missing the 8am lecture in the morning, Prachi says that she had the time of my life in the two weeks, that was chaotic and crazy but life-changing and so inspiring. For anyone aged between 16 and 21, she highly recommends LIYSF to them and sincerely thanks the Rotary clubs who supported her, for a once-in-a-life-time opportunity, that she will never forget.
Prachi is looking forward to attending the Rotary clubs who assisted her, to fully report on the 2023 LIYSF.
Robin Alistair Lyons, known to everyone as Rob, lived a remarkably happy and productive life. Rob served an apprenticeship, training to be a refrigeration mechanic, when he met Carole who became his partner for life. They married when he was nineteen, then, a few days after the
wedding, he started six months National Service in the Royal Australian Navy. He was stationed in the Monte Bello Islands while atomic bombs were being tested.
After returning to the life he had chosen, he worked in Perth for a company installing large scale air conditioning. He moved to another company in Walliston after eighteen years and started a new life in the Hills. After a further six years he saw an opportunity to start his own company installing air conditioning in earth-moving machines. This company proved to be very successful and kept Rob busy for the rest of his working life.
Rob and Carole raised a family of four while both working in their company. Kim, Gavin, Rodney and Fiona grew and prospered. Rob’s next move was to join the Rotary Club of Darling Range in 1983. This became a major part of an already busy life. He served as Club President 1988-1989. An event occurred at about this time which gave a new meaning to Rob’s life. A cyclone caused havoc in the
Solomon islands. Rob joined a Rotary project to build a school in one of the devastated villages. He became fascinated by the culture and made lifelong friends among the villagers. He continued to assist them by supplying a large plank saw, so that construction of strong wooden houses could commence. Carole joined him in the cultural experience of a lifetime when the saw arrived. 
This overseas experience in a developing country inspired Rob to make good use of Rotary projects that were conceived to assist people in countries where risks of poor health are high. He championed the Rotarians Against Malaria project and the Wheelchairs for Kids project.
His exceptional work in persuading so many Rotary Clubs to commit to these projects and his desire to be a leader lead to his induction as District Governor in 1994-1995. Rob considered this a great honour and expanded his already large circle of Rotary friends with whom he continued to communicate.
Rob joined the Rotary Club of Kalamunda in 2012 and remained an active member right up until his passing. In his forty years as a Rotarian he was a multiple recipient of the Paul Harris Recognition, he donated regularly to the Rotary Foundation and became a major donor.
Rob was a gentleman, always greeted you at meetings, always present at every event; he was a dedicated Rotarian.

Zone 8 Rotary
Regionalisation Pilot Project

Did you receive your email from the
Regionalisation team last week?
Has your president organised a meeting so you can have a say in what clubs you will join in your Community Group?
Get ready to have your say and get involved!
All members, look out for information from your club president so you have a say in the pilot project.
Get your tickets here
We need some members to assist in planning and running an event scheduled for
1 December 2023. The date is to align with other Rotary DV Awareness events across Rotary Zone 8, including Australia, New Zealand and Pacific Islands. 
If you can contribute some time and skills, please join us at a planning meeting on:
Friday 8th September 11am - 12noon
John McGrath Pavillion
97 Hensman St, South Perth
Contact Kay Durrant if you have any questions or to register your interest in attending and/or assisting.
durrant@wn.com.au or 0419 931 899
2023 BulldustNBack Trial 14 – 17 September 2023 Perth-Kojonup-Mt Barker-Pemberton-Collie-Perth www.bulldustnback.com.au
Australian Rotary Health, Australia’s leading  non-government funder of mental health research,  is looking for vehicles and teams to fundraise  for pre-teen mental health research.
Contact Jerry Pilcher or Warwick Smith:
We are looking for other teams and vehicles to promote Australian Rotary Health in Mill Point Rotary's coming BulldustNBack Trial over 14-17 September 2023. We are hoping to identify ARH teams as soon as possible, and well before the end of August. 
Do you want to know more about the Rotary Leadership Institute? Watch the video at the link for more information.
Scan the QR code above, click on the flyer or the link to register 
Four Rotary clubs came together recently for DG Ineke Oliver’s dinner. The DG’s talk was inspirational and, on a mission, to strengthen clubs and grow membership.
We thank all who attended from Assistant Governors, Past District Governor, Presidents and members from Canning River, Fremantle and Willetton clubs who joined the members from Cockburn to bring this night together.
Entries close at the end of September
To read more about the competition:
Would you like to help families of sick children in the Goldfields?  
Scan the QR code above or click on the link to purchase a raffle ticket and win your share of $25,000
Raffle runs 6th August 2023 – 7th November 2023.
Scan the QR code above or click here to purchase your tickets to Wine Tasting Sunday Arvo?
Email here to order your tickets to the Wine Show
Profits from the Narrogin Flaming BBQ Festival will go primarily to assist with Mental Health.
Display car entry, click here or on the flyer above.
If you want to exhibit your Lego creations – applications close at the end of this month for the adults. Applications for junior builders (younger than 16) will open in August.  The application link for adult builders is here. Then you need to get building.
Tickets are on sale, so if you want to pick your preferred time slot to attend – get in quick.  Here's the link
Support Tony's fundraising for Cancer Research......click here to donate
RSVP by clicking here or on the flyer above by
10 October 23
Click here to book or scan the QR code above
Click here to book or scan the QR code above
For more information about the Italian Car Day click here www.italiancarday.com.au

More than 775 million people over the age of 15 are illiterate. That’s 17 percent of the world’s adult population. 

Our goal is to strengthen the capacity of communities to support basic education and literacy, reduce gender disparity in education, and increase adult literacy. We support education for all children and literacy for children and adults.


We take action to empower educators to inspire learning at all ages. 
We share our knowledge and experience with educators and other professionals who work with vulnerable populations.
Rotary members fight adult illiteracy by working with local advocates to offer community literacy programs. 
Rotary members invest in the future by giving scholarships to students who have the potential to change our communities.
A university president and Rotary club fight Boko Haram to bring education and food to refugees in Nigeria.
Realizing that getting children into school isn’t enough, Rotary shifts to mentoring and coaching teachers.
The Rotarian Action Group Against Slavery has a strategy for fighting modern slavery that’s working at the local level.
Rotary club pairs students with celebrity and CEO mentors for success.
Watch this video....Rotary Supports Education
Add text here
Maui Wildfire Disaster 
D9685 has pulled together an appeal for the Maui Wild Fires Disaster to provide funds for humanitarian programs to assist the people and communities affected by the catastrophic wildfires on Maui, Hawaii. They have done so by creating a RAWCS Project with the Rotary Club of Maui and it is open for donations now. It is quite a desperate situation. 
The worst wildfires in the US in more than a century have caused loss of life, left thousands in need of emergency shelter, and reduced towns to ash. 
Your donation to the Hawaii Wildfire Relief Fund will support immediate wildfire relief and long-term recovery efforts in affected communities.
Rotary Australia World Community Service (RAWCS) will be working with Rotary Clubs within the regions to provide assistance to affected communities.
RAWCS has registered a Rotary Australia Relief Fund project to seek financial assistance, donations are tax deductible.
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